You Can Have It All
Labels are so annoying. Even the words gay, straight and bisexual bother me. I don’t know why society feels like they have to be able to put everything and everyone in a category. I consider myself to just be sexually open. My first relationship was with a woman and it was fine. Then when I was in college I had some experiences with guys and I liked that too. So I guess if you had to put a label on me, I’d be called bisexual. I just like what I like. It depends on the person, not their sexual organs.
A few years ago I met a gorgeous girl and we hit it off right away. When things started progressing between us she told me she was a transexual. We ended up having sex and it was mind blowing. After that any time I look at porn, I’m watching trannys get it on. If you like porn discounts you should check out this offer and save up to 83% with a Tranny Surprise discount.