My first experience with an online hook up was really quite weird because I did not go to the typical website that promises an online hook up. You know exactly what kind of website I’m talking about. These are websites that use naked women on their ads. They promise all sorts of sex acts that you would encounter, enjoy, or witness. I didn’t deal with any of that bullshit.
Do you know which website enabled me to enjoy my first online hookup? You wouldn’t believe it. Facebook. I know there are a lot guys out there think that Facebook is all about catching up with old classmates and business contacts, but Facebook is really amazing when it comes to hooking up. The thing is, if you have a friend, they have friends too, and their friends have friends as well. Do you see how this all works out?
Even if you only have a tiny circle of friends, maybe 15 people, if you’re friends with the right person and this person knows thousands of people you can reach millions of women. That’s exactly the thing that I learned firsthand.
I posted this very funny picture of a cat and this chick from Sweden messaged back. At first, I thought it was some sort of joke. I thought it was some overweight dude in Kansas somewhere fucking with me, but her picture looked really, really good. I mean, blond hair, tight slim body, big tits, blue eyes. I mean, what’s not to love, right?
So I played along. I thought it was some dude or worse a friend of mine trying to pull a trick on me. And of course not wanting to go down without a fight, I threw some flavored nuggets in our conversation. I tried to throw her off. I know quite a few things about Sweden, so I asked some trick question and guess what, she nailed all of them.
I started believing that she was for real. Sure enough, we got on Skype and she was the real deal. I’m not going to lay out the XXX details but you can use your imagination for that. Now visit http://www.sexhookup.org/ and create your own sex hookup adventure.